Category: EHR

7 Best Electronic Health Record (EHR) Systems for Small Practices

Electronic Health Record systems for your small business can vary from small providers to large providers. The first choice that strikes your mind might be large EHR providers, but often this becomes the wrong choice since they are complex and expensive as well. Pricing is…

Assessing the Value: Is it Worth Integrating with Epic EHR Systems

Have you heard of Epic EMR integration? For healthcare app developers, this question is critical. This integration can unlock valuable data and functionalities but also comes with challenges and considerations. Let’s delve into the pros and cons of Epic integration to determine if it’s the right…

5 Best EHR Software Can Manage Your Hospitals and Clinics

Its time to say good bye to collecting records of a patient in files and storing it for decades in a store room. Everything is changed in our modern era. Time has made us to change us and make our work easier. First our ancestors…

Top 10 Medical Billing Software for Small Practices in USA

Similar to all other business plans, the medical industry incorporates the same methods and ideas in bringing about a change in the system, to be more organized. Web-based hospital management is the best solution for the hospital as well as patients who would require precise…

7 Best Mobile Medical Apps for Doctors and Patients

As Smart phones become a vital part of our life, there are increasing number of health and medical apps coming into market and take care plenty of physicians needs. Patients are using mobile apps to track their health, fitness level and doctors are practicing with…