Category: Online Therapy

Online Therapy Sites for Various Mental Illnesses

Today’s world is the internet world. Our days begin with our phones and end with them, and the internet has become an indispensable part of our lives. The internet that is constantly being blamed for half our lives problems (even though it is just a…

Concerned About Your Mental Health (And The Coronavirus?) Take Advantage Of These Popular Therapy Apps

With the flood of news updates about the coronavirus (the worldwide pandemic wreaking havoc across the globe), more people are starting to experience mental health symptoms than ever before. Many people around the world suddenly find ourselves in limbo emotionally, financially, and physically. This is…

Top Apps For Mental Health And Therapy

It is 2020 and people still shy to talk about their mental health condition with anyone. Recently there has been a proliferation in people with mental distress, therefore, the need for treatment has skyrocketed. Since the treatment for the same is costly, people can head…