Shipment Barcode Sticker Program for post office makes barcode coupon of different fonts and size for postal service sectors. This Program can generate multiple post office barcode stickers by using sequential, random and constant value series. Postal Barcode Tag Software can generate various labels, tags and stickers at the same time. A main feature of software is that software allows creator to save created postal label anywhere on the system in various file format like JPEG, GIF etc. user can transfer money to retailers or any person with the help of digital devices by just scanning the QR code of the receiver. Quick Response creator program utility provides an option to use produced Post office barcode coupons in specified Windows application including Microsoft Word, MS- Excel and MS-Paint etc. Feature of application: Application provides option to save designed QR and barcode sticker in any file format for example JPG, PNG, GIF and BMP etc. Support all types of windows MS Applications: Ms-Word, Ms-Paint and Ms-Excel. Barcode Designer Application Provides User friendly interface of the product provides easy and simple working platform. Program can support to create postal barcodes coupons in any option like Linear and two dimension barcode fonts. Application has feature to adjust barcode font setting and barcode setting like header, footer and value as per requirement. Software supports to print barcodes Label using various printers. Advantage of barcode in post office: Reduces the human error and can store data also so don’t have to write manually. Shipment or Tracking frauds and ensures a secure transaction is the top priority. Barcodes are applied to products quick identification. Make communication with receiver easier by automatically sending alerts to person when their order is shipped. Improve accuracy of delivery tracking by avoiding the human mistakes, error are made when tracking deliveries manually.
- Price $49
- Company Name Business Barcodes
- Listing categories Bar Code Scanning
- Software Demo Link:
- Customization Not Available
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- Person Business Barcodes
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