Software-as-a-service, often called SaaS, is one of the most widespread cloud computing applications. It’s everywhere. Globally, businesses are looking towards SaaS to provide software solutions to end-users, both as service providers and businesses that utilize SaaS to empower their teams.
If you can read this post, there’s a good chance you’ve used a SaaS product before. Possibly every day. Daily, people use applications and services without realizing they’re SaaS, like streaming services. A bunch of new businesses also hitting the market, like MMSaas, which are offering new and innovative services that couldn’t exist before.
What Is Software-as-a-Service?
SaaS is a software delivery model that allows end-users to access software and use its functionality via an internet connection and a web browser. The software or application typically runs in the cloud and is accessed by logging in through a web browser. However, some apps provide lightweight mobile or desktop installations that can aid accessibility by making connecting easier.
A prime example of a SaaS that’s been around for years is email.
Most email applications enable you to access, manage, and send emails exclusively through a web browser. They usually include things like a user interface and email organization without having you install anything extra on your computer. You can install a mobile or desktop app for easier access, but the core of the service is still running in the cloud. The primary purpose of the app is to replace the web browser as the access point and store some data on the device to enhance the user’s experience.
Of course, email is just one example of the various SaaS solutions available today. Document processing applications, image editing, streaming services, and personal finance apps can all fall under the SaaS category. Some newer applications exist only because SaaS makes the business model viable. An example is the MMSaas mentioned earlier; you can visit this website for more detail.
How Does It Work?
If you think back, you may remember seeing software installation CDs and drives for sale in electronic stores (probably ten or more years ago). That’s how traditional software delivery used to work.Â
In the past, software would be sold via a physical installation drive, often accompanied by an installation license code. Traditional software was provided as installation files that users would install on their hardware. It still worked this way for some time after the age of physical drives, when users can download the installation files over the Internet. Often, these applications would be provided in exchange for a once-off payment.
SaaS removes or reduces the need to install files. Even when an installation is required, the installed app is primarily for requesting, receiving, and displaying the app’s data via the Internet. The functionality of the app still runs in the cloud.
Most SaaS businesses provide access to their application on a subscription-based plan. Individual users or other companies can gain usage of these applications through a monthly or yearly fee based on usage. These changes to the software delivery model offer several benefits to both SaaS providers and those who use their services.
Benefits Of SaaS
Software-as-a-Service works. There’s no doubt there. Here are some of the benefits that have helped SaaS grow as popular and significant as it currently is:
Cost Reduction
SaaS is efficient and can help businesses reduce expenses.
By being distributed on a subscription-based plan, SaaS allows companies to forgo traditional licensing purchases and tailor their expenses based on usage. Traditional licensing fees were significantly more costly than current subscriptions and can grow to a great expense if needed on multiple machines.Â
SaaS also makes services more accessible and eliminates the need for time-consuming mass installations. Additionally, services that run in the cloud can help businesses reduce their expenses on infrastructure.
Easier Updates
Because the entire application is hosted, run, and managed in the cloud by the service provider, end-users generally don’t need to worry about updates. Compared to traditional software installations, end-users no longer need to sit through long, complex installations and configurations.
This also makes it easier for the administrator to update the system. SaaS isn’t connected to users’ hardware, so administrators don’t need to worry about specific hardware issues and must only ensure their system integrates with the browser. The browser (or a lightweight installation) does the rest of the work.
For businesses, it’s much easier to upgrade their subscription plan and instantly give more of their team access to the software. It’s also easier to downgrade a plan, so businesses aren’t paying for more than they’re using.
Software-as-a-service can be accessed by any computer with an internet connection and a web browser. In other words, people can easily work from anywhere in the world, from nearly any computer.
Software-as-a-service describes a software distribution model where applications are hosted and run using cloud computing and accessed via a web browser and internet connection. Compared to traditional software distribution methods, SaaS is more accessible, easier to scale, and more cost-effective for businesses. With how much the SaaS business model has grown, there’s a good chance you already use it in your life, even if you haven’t realized it.