HR Software

Go Payroll Claim

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When you process payroll online, you can do so from any computer with an internet connection. Additionally, it implies automated multi-user access, an end to software updates, and firewall and security problems that interfere with your payroll process. Payroll systems can produce a wide range of reports using basic payroll information and information on attendance and hours worked. This makes it possible to analyze personnel costs in-depth for the company, across departments, and even for specific assignments and contracts.

Automating payroll reporting is possible with Go Payroll, an easy-to-use online payroll tool. Additionally, the software has self-service functions that let your staff members manage their attendance, examine their pay stubs, and submit leave requests. They offer product support and training. They deliver it, even during the free trial period. One of the few software programs in New Zealand that provides complete compliance with the laws governing holidays and parental leave is Go Payroll. 


Software Key Features:


  • Emoloyee self service
  • Payroll Outsourcing




Software Suites for?

Small Business, Medium Sized Business, Large Business

API Support

Yes - API Available

Is it cloud based?


Technical Support

Phone Support, Chat Support, Email Support


Monthly payment

Multi Language Support


Desktop OS Support

Web App, Windows, Macintosh

Mobile Support


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