HR Software

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Software Description:

HRStop is the best online HR/ Payroll software that helps you to eliminate the distractions (due to all side activities) by getting them outsourced/ automated so that you can focus on your core competencies. As per an independent survey conducted this year, it was found that outsourcing HR/ Payroll reduces the overall costs of HR’s “transaction processing, management and time and attendance reporting” by an amount close to 40%.

HRStop is the best online HR/Payroll Management Software for Small Medium Enterprises – It helps your company reduce 40% time in HR/ Payroll activities by making it more compliant; by removing data inconsistency/ inaccuracy and ensuring data transparency at multiple employee layers. It’s an EMPLOYEE CENTRIC system that helps your employees access vital information 24*7 without demanding your HRs to collate/improvise the data.

Software Feature:

Best Online HR/ Payroll Management Software

1.) Employee Self Services – Complete portfolio management, Leaves, Income tax declarations, Assets, Time sheets, Training, Holidays, News, Forms, Birthday/ Work Anniversary Reminders, Real Time Attendance, Organizational chart, Employee Time line / Expense reporting, Work from Home/ On Duty/ Compensatory offs, etc.

2.) Personal Profile System – Complete database/records of active/ ex-employees / Profile Locking

3.) Payroll –Complete Payroll Management/ Full and Final Settlement / Advance Salaries/ Loans / Arrears/ Reimbursements/Currency configuration/ Multiple payslip formats/ Password protected payslips/ Compliance Reports ,*( Compliances available for India)

4.) Talent Management – Job Posting, Recruitment / Applicant Tracking/ Option to import applicants from various sources/ Job boards/ Option to configure interview rounds / interviewers/ interview rating parameters for each job

5.) Performance Management – KRAs/KPIs settings , Review triggering – Self/ Managers/ Peers/ Manager’s manager/ CEO , Review Analysis : Tabular analysis,Bell curve analysis, 9 box analysis – weighted averages across reviewers, review calibration, SMART ratings , Setting up goals/ targets, Goal reviews by managers/ admins

6.) Expense Reporting- Payout triggers, Setting limits against expense categories

7.) Leave Management – Leave categories/ entitlement at designation/department/ employee level – leave rules /Workflows/Work from Home/ On Duty, Comp offs

8.) Attendance in Real Time – Web/ Mobileattendances/ 100% real time integration with compatible biometric devices / Employee Late entry notifications / Roster Shifts/ Attendance Rules/ Attendance exceptions/ Request Attendance

9.) Training

10.) Time sheets

11.) Assets Management

12.) Company Letters: This option facilitates employees/ managers/ admins to generate company letters like Address Proof, Appraisal letters, Appointment letter, etc on the fly as per their company format

13.) Multiple admin permission

14.) Multi company setup from one portal

15.) Multi Location option

16.) Private HR Management portal on your domain

17.) Auto mailers/ notifications at various levels

18.) Mobile App – Available for Android and IOS

19.) Analytic/ Reports – More than 100 reports

20.) Knowledge Base

Software Specialties:

Employee Centric system, compliance oriented, extremely easy to use, Access Anywhere Anytime, No Tech how required


API Support


Multi Language Support


Desktop OS Support

Web App, Windows, Macintosh

Mobile Platform

IOS, Android, Windows Mobile, Black Berry

Mobile Support


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