E-commerce is booming across the technology world. Keeping up with the competition is nearly impossible if the store does not have the right strategy for conversions. Let us assume you have the finest quality products in your store. You also have an intuitive design. But, when a customer lands on your store, searches for something in the search panel and all it shows is a list of irrelevant product on your store. 

What do you think your customer would do? Abandon your site obviously. Such an interaction is heart-breaking for both store owners as well as customers.

Moral of the Story – Conversions can occur only when your customer can find the products quickly. Otherwise, all you have to take home is a list of high bounce rate caused due to time taken in finding the product. 

Well, this is not the end of the article. The article here will help you with certain ways to improve the product search of your store and how it can impact the overall customer experience of your store. 

#1 Focus on Search Bar

Beginning of search happens at the search bar, but it is mostly ignored section of an e-commerce store. Try to use a different colour scheme from the entire store and make it stand out of your entire store. You can also use the technique of putting text inside the box saying “Find Your Favourite Here”. This helps in drawing direct attention from the visitors and makes their searching process easier. 

#2 Use Smart Auto-complete

Auto-complete is one of the smartest ways to enhance customer engagement and make them stay on your store to make a purchase. When you have a huge catalog, this is something worth considering, in order to offer an incredible customer experience. To make this amazing feature even more amazing with a cherry on top, you can consider including product photos and pricing in the search result. 

It is noted in a research that customers who land on a page with auto-complete suggestions are more likely to convert compared to those who land on without auto-complete suggestions.

#3 Manage Long tail Search Well

A person searching for something with a long sentence is more likely to purchase the product. If your search does not serve such customers well, it will be difficult for the store to stay in the competition. A semantic-friendly search is surely a better option compared to simple text based search that competitors generally follow. You can offer auto suggest with the help of data based on customer’s search history, global search history, location, spelling variations and what not!

The ultimate goal of managing keywords and search is to offer right suggestions to the customer and make the shopping procedure easy for them.

#4 Rightly Filtering the Results Page

Search results are the core reason whether customer completes the purchase or abandons the store. Everything that you do to make the product search better is in vain if the result page does not show filtered results. Product search is basically done to make the list of options lesser and they expect the searches to offer filterable options. If your store does not have advanced filtering options, the search might not lead to the right product. Make sure you utilize ways like advanced navigation and even categorization of filtration options to make the filtering more precise and such that it eases the purchase process for the customer.

Closing Thoughts

The ultimate goal of any e-commerce store is to maintain the conversion rate and stay ahead of the competition. All you need to do is to offer extraordinary customer experience and keep your online store up-to-date with the newest technologies being introduced in the cyber world.

Author Bio: Creative by soul; technical writer by passion & profession, Ankita is an elegant wordsmith at MageDelight & Krish TechnoLabs having profound interest in Content Marketing and advancements of the technology.

…and when she’s not doing that, she enjoys her time reading or following the ‘Netflix and Chill’!